On Friday, not only the administrative but also the scrutineering of the “Samsonas Rally Utena” started its work in Utena. The task of the technical commissioners is to check the compliance of the participants’ vehicles with the technical requirements and safety systems. Only after the approval of the technical commission, the participants will get the green light to start the competition, which will take place on September 30 and October 1. This is the last event of the Lithuanian Rally and Rally Sprint Championship and the Latvian Rally Championship.

During the first half day on Friday, the participants who visited the administrative commission of the “Samsonas Rally Utena” and received starting stickers, had to present their cars later to the technical commissioners. This task is usually left to the mechanics, as the crew members themselves go to the tracks to write their pacenotes. The participants of the Lithuanian Rally Championship were the first to perform these two tasks. The cars of the participants who have already been inspected several times this year passed the inspections of the commissioners faster. For those that we see for the first time in Lithuania, it took longer because of additional sealing, pop-off valve checks and other important units. At the same time, the clothing and helmets of the participants are also checked. On Saturday, the administrative and technical commission is also waiting for the participants of the Rally Sprint Championship.

The solemn opening ceremony of the competition “Samsonas Rally Utena” will take place on Saturday at 1 pm next to the Creative Industries Center “Taurapilis”, where the headquarters of the rally is located. The starting arch is already set up here. From here, the participants will head to the first special stages. On the same day, four day and two night stages await the crews. After that, a concert by “AugustÄ—” is scheduled at 22:00, which will take place on the large open-air stage near the Utena Cultural Center.

Sunday is the second day of the rally. It will begin at 8:25 a.m., when the first car will start for the first stage of the second day. The participants of Samsonas Rally Utena will receive their prizes at 20:30, directly followed by the concert of Jovani.

Rally pass for Samsonas Rally Utena 2023 can be purchased here đź”˝

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