On September 28th, after the finish of the SS13, a special media area will be set up for welcoming participants, photo sessions, and filming. It will be a few hundred meters from the finish of the special stage (STOP), and the crews on their way to Utena will stop in a set-up area where they can celebrate with the fans and take photos/videos for a while. The spectators of the rally who want to congratulate the crews will have to wait for them in the media zone and not at the finish line (STOP).

There will be a live broadcast of the finish in the media area, so we ask spectators not to disturb the filming and media personnel and to park their cars in an orderly manner in the nearby parking lot and not on the side of the road where cars obstruct the traffic of the sports cars.

Address and coordinates of the special media rally finish area:

A. Masionio g. 10, Vyžuonos, Utenos r.

55.5881 25.4979

Estimated finish of the first car is 17:25