On September 28, after two days of speed and adrenaline on the special stages of Utena, Anykščiai and Zarasai districts, as every year special prizes will be awarded to the winners of the “Samsonas Rally Utena 2024”. The organizers of the “Samsonas Rally Utena 2024” and their partners are looking for unique solutions not only in the sporting part of the rally but also in other areas, so with the help of the metal processing company UAB “BosInox”, the shelves of the rally winners will be decorated with prizes in a unique design.

It is very nice that the metal trading and processing company UAB “BosInox”, which is managed by an old friend Gediminas Vilimas, has been producing trophies for our events for eight years now. Gediminas is not only a friend, but also a motorsport enthusiast who competes in circuit races himself and therefore understands the importance of unique and valuable prizes for the racers who receive them. With the help of Gediminas and UAB “BosInox”, the winners could enjoy unique trophies at the events like “Samsonas Rally Utena”, “7 Lakes Rally”, “Rally Rokiškis” or Northern Ireland’s “Bushwhacker Rally” and “Rally Fivemiletown”. As every year, the participants of the “Samsonas Rally Utena 2024” can also look forward to extremely valuable prizes. – says Martynas Samsonas

Tam, kad unikalūs prizai išvystų dienos šviesą bei būtų įteikti besidžiaugiantiems ralio prizininkams, būtina nueiti netrumpą kelią. Pirmiausia prizo, kuris būtų išskirtinis idėja atsiranda galvose bei būna perkeliama ant popieriaus. Brėžinio detalės vėliau aptariamos ir nušlifuojamos atsižvelgiant į gamybos būdus ir kitus niuansus. Kai brėžinys yra pabaigiamas, visas procesas keliauja į gamybą, kurioje itin modernios įrangos bei daugiametės patirties pagalba idėja virsta realybe. Po baigiamųjų darbų prizai tampa tokiais, kurių paskirtis yra priminti geriausias emocijas juos iškovojusiems sportinininkams. Visu idėjos pavertimo realybe procesu pasirūpino įmonė UAB „BosInox“ bei jos vadovas Gediminas Vilimas, kuris dalinasi kaip prasidėjo bendradarbiavimas prizų gamyboje:

I drove in circuit races and Martynas in rallies, that’s how the acquaintance began. Later Martynas started to get involved in the organization of the rallies and so we continued to discuss and understood what a difficult process it is and how much money and other resources are needed. Then we realized that we had to help, and that’s how the idea of the prizes came about. Now we sit down with Martynas for a month or two before, discuss and plan these prizes, because we want to do something different from the usual bought prizes. As we work with metal ourselves, we say: We will do something to make the prize memorable. That’s how it all started, since the days of Rokiškis with additional feelings because my village is there. The partnership is continued when the event moved to Utena. Every year we come up with something new. Martynas and his team present the idea, and we make a sketch, give advice and see what can be done with it. Sometimes the ideas are really unique and it’s quite a challenge to turn the idea into a result. These prizes are the result of joint work, and it is very nice that there are Lithuanian prizes at the Lithuania Rally. I know how much time and effort all these organizational things take, so we do our part and will continue to do so in the future. It’s a wonderful feeling when you go to other rally drivers or colleagues and see the prizes we have designed on their shelves,” says Gediminas Vilimas about the cooperation

We invite you to pre-order the rally passes for the “Samsonas Rally Utena 2024” on the Bilietai.lt platform. The ticket price is 15 euros. The event is free for children under 12 years old.