On Thursday not only the administrative checks but also the scrutineering of “Samsonas Rally Utena” started working in Utena. The task of the scrutineers is to check the compliance of the participants’ cars with the technical requirements and safety systems. Only after receiving the approval of the scrutineer the participants will be given the green light to start the competition, which will be held on September 30 – October 1. It will be the final stage of the Lithuanian automobile rally and rally sprint championships.
On Thursday on the first half of the day the participants who visited the administrative checks of “Samsonas Rally Utena” and received start stickers had to present their cars to the scrutineers later. This mission is usually left to the mechanics, as the crew members themselves go to recconnaisance to write down their pacenotes. The participants of the Lithuanian Automobile Rally Championship were the first to perform both of these tasks. On Friday the administrative check and scrutineering will also be waiting for the participants of the rally sprint championship.
Paulius Mileška the chief scrutineer “Samsonas Rally Utena” said that Thursday’s procedures went smoothly. Since it is the last event of the season and most of the cars have already been inspected several times, according to the chief scrutineer, there were no major comments for the participants’ technicians.
“Practically all the participants’ cars were flawless. Only one participant failed to pass the commission today. During the inspection we noticed that the state technical inspection of his car had ended. He will need to pass the technical inspection tomorrow, get a valid certificate and then come to the technical commission”, said technical commissioner Paulius Mileška.
The solemn opening ceremony of the “Samsonas Rally Utena” competition is scheduled for Friday at 1 p.m. next to the Creative Industries Center “Taurapilis”, where the rally headquarters is located. The starting arch is already installed here. From here, the participants will move to the first Special Stage. On the same day four daytime and two night Special Stages will await of the crews. Later at 9.30 p.m. a concert of the group “Begėdžiai” is planned, which will take place on the Big outdoor stage near the Utena cultural center.
Saturday is the second day of the rally. It will start at 8:25 a.m., when the first car will start on the first Special Stage of the second day. The prize- giving ceremony of “Samsonas Rally Utena” is scheduled at 9:00 p.m., followed by a concert of Donatas Montvydas and the band.
More information about the list of participants, the start times of the sprints, the results and other information can be found at www.autorally.lt and on the organizers’ page www.samsonasrally.com. Tickets to the rally will cost 10 euros. They will be available for purchase at the entrances to the speedway, and advance sales are taking place at the Taurapilis Creative Industries Center. The “Samsonas Rally Utena” competition is sponsored by the Utena district municipality.